Saturday, June 21, 2008


I had a 10 hour flight yesterday... it was long!! but i felt more relaxed on the flight... I nearly cried a few times getting t o plane and then getting to hostel etc... but i stayed strong!
On the flight over we flew over Russia (yes ben thats you)! and I was pretty excited about this... but then it was boring and lots of forest.... BUT THEN after about 7 hours I really realised how big russia was!!!! it blew me away all of that space... we flew right to the top of Russia where it meets the sea and then down to helsinki! I saw crinkly snowy mountains, icy lakes and rivers, snowy river banks and a beautiful bright blue sea! which to my delight had big ice sheets over it! and the ice was making pretty patterns in the sea. I then started to realise that it might be cold in Helsinki... and its freezing there are icy breezes blowing through the buildings! It is very much a harbour town with seaguls flying and sqwaking around... and has literally been a cold shock! hehe compared to Japan!
I got really lost after I got my bus to the town center... my hostel is a 15 min walk... but it was very confusing and I took several wrong roads and held my bag as if it were made of diamonds... in my minds eye I could see theives all about!! maybe today I will still think the same... or maybe its just cause alot of finlandians look like lumberjacks and bikers... and have reallly long hair... men and women... or look super rich and euro and drive bmws etc around the cobbelled streets with their roof off and techno pumping...
Anyway after a long search I found my hostel... my room is semi clean... ive slept a whole night in my sheets and no bed bugs and they seemed clean enough even though they look old... the building is old with old school patterened wall paper and carpets and wooden floors... has a very antiquesy look! book shelves... hat stands... decorative wooden furniture
It seems to stay light alllll night here haha... which is safer for me i think... but confusing... it gets darker like the sun goes low behind the buildings and there is an eerie light... like about 5pm 6pm... but at 11pm when i went to sleep it looked like 4pm...
there are lots of pretty parks and i think russiany influenced buildings... like rows of them... a bit st petersbergy from pictures ive seen... a bit latvian looking... haha and very harbour! huge ships and all of that harbour industrial kind of stuff... seem to be tonnes of quirky shops and antique shops everywhere ... but they were all closed yesterday cause of a summer solstice holiday... so the city was kind of empty too!
its a bit daunting but ill get into it more today!!!! i think after another nap though cause its 5am... i jsut saw the computer free ....
ok love lots


Unknown said...

hey em!! sounds beautiful. i need photos though! good luck, the twilight at 11pm sounds intense

Leath said...

Hi Em,

I just found this blog today. I started reading it and looking at all the cool paces you've been and ended up reading the entire thing from start to finish.

It sounds like you're having so much fun and each page makes me more end more envious. Make sure u keep posting, your stories are great.

Hope u enjoy yourself in Europe!

Anonymous said...

thanks leath... did you mean from start to Finnish... hahaha

bn said...

You're doin' me proud Em!

"Ya tibya dam padnos!"

Say that to the next burly Russian you meet. It means, I will break your nose! (Term of endearment).

Can't wait to see photos.